HSN Blog, Press Release

Celebrating Success After Clear the Shelters

(Naples, FL – August 20, 2018) On Saturday, August 18th, Humane Society Naples ended the day with 143 adoptions through Clear the Shelters! NBC and Telemundo stations across the country teamed up with nearly 900 of shelters to host the nationwide pet adoption drive. This life-saving day sponsored by NBC2 and Riverland Nursery allowed community members to engage with HSN and participate in fee-waived adoptions.

The event was all about finding homes for thousands of animals across the US and the turnout at both HSN locations was a success, according to Rachael Johnston, the no-kill shelter’s marketing manager.

“Our hearts are so full. Clear the Shelters was very successful and so many orphaned animals in need of a loving home are now in homes,” Johnston said. “Days like today, this kind of exposure, really makes a huge difference in the lives of humans and pets,” she said.

If you weren’t able to make it to either Humane Society Naples adoption center or the other local participating shelters – Lee County Domestic Animal Services and Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County – on Saturday, don’t forget about the animals still waiting for the perfect home and that we are all in need of volunteers throughout the year.

“Between our main shelter and satellite center in Coastland Mall, we are here seven days a week. And if you’re not ready to adopt, but you do want to support us, there are many ways to get involved,” Johnston said.

The nationwide total is currently at 92,861 and counting! 

View event photos here.

Special thanks to: NBC2, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Cat’s Pride Cat Litter, Riverland Nursery and Telemundo Fort Myers-Naples!
