HSN Blog

National Black Cat Day

Black cats have it hard. They are linked to superstitions and it’s hard for some to get over their superstitious habits.  Many Americans don’t realize that black cats aren’t just adorable companions and incredible lap warmers, but they are also considered good luck in other parts of the world.

With today being National Black Cat Day, we’re shedding a little light on these sleek felines with some reports of bad luck from some popular superstitions and compared them to the bad luck that black cats have because of their color. The reality is that the ones who have the bad luck are actually the black animals themselves!

  • Reports of bad luck from opening umbrellas inside: 0
  • Reports of bad luck from walking under a ladder: 0
  • Reports of bad luck from breaking a mirror: 0
  • Reports of broken mother’s backs from stepping on cracks: 0
  • Number of animals not adopted because they are black: TOO MANY

To those not in the animal welfare field, the idea seems crazy – pet discrimination?! But to those like us at Humane Society Naples, we see it all too often. This phenomenon has even earned its own name: “Black Cat Syndrome”. It is mostly an unconscious thing. People, whether they want to admit that they are superstitious or not, know the “risks” of owning a black cat. Black cats got a bad reputation during the Salem Witch Trials that, sadly, still curses them today.

Black pets also have a disadvantage when it comes to “advertising” them to potential new families. They may not appear as attractive as some of their more colorful competition and they tend to disappear in their community cat rooms. Since they are the hardest to adopt and black cats (dogs too!) tend to stay in shelters the longest.

Thanks to a generous donor, adoption fees for all black cats over four months old are waived. Can’t you find some room in your heart for one of these orphaned pets?