HSN Volunteer Onboarding
Welcome to HSN's Volunteer Onboarding
Information about onboarding
Volunteer Onboarding Steps
Step 1 - Orientation Video & Quiz
Orientation Video
Click here to watch the Orientation Video.
- Please note that we are currently updating the video to reflect our current leadership and staff members. Click here see photos of our current team members.
Orientation Quiz
New volunteers must score at least 90% on the quiz before proceeding in the onboarding program. But don’t worry! You may watch the video as many times as you’d like and retake the quiz as many times as necessary. We want to ensure you have captured the basic information needed to volunteer. We’ll be notified by Survey Monkey when you have taken the quiz.
Click here to take the Orientation Quiz.
- Important: upon completion of your Orientation Quiz with at least a score of 90%, please send an email to volunteers@hsnaples.org with “NEW VOLUNTEER COMPLETED QUIZ” and YOUR FULL NAME in the subject line. In the email, please let us know in which area you are interested in volunteering.
Step 2 - Electronic Waiver of Liability
Electronic Waiver of Liability
Once you have sent the email with your name and passing score on the quiz, please complete the HSN Adult Volunteer Waiver of Liability.
Step 3 - HSN Main Shelter Tour
HSN Main Shelter Tour
Now that you have completed Step 1, you are ready to tour the Main Shelter.
- Location: 370 Airport-Pulling Road North, Naples, FL 34104
- Meet in the Main Lobby
Tracey Talentino, HSN Volunteer Coordinator, will conduct the tour (and follow-on volunteer meeting). Please sign up for a shelter tour date below:
- Shelter Tour Dates and Sign-up
For safety purposes, whenever you are at the shelter, please wear:
- long, sturdy pants (jeans, khakis, cargo pants, etc.)
- closed-toed shoes with nonskid soles (running shoes, sneakers)
You must be dressed as required to participate in volunteer activities. This is for your safety.
Step 4 - Electrotonic Volunteer Application
Electronic Volunteer Application
Once you have completed your shelter tour, you are required to submit your HSN Volunteer Application.
Step 5 - Background Check
Background Check (18 years of age & older)
Once you complete your shelter tour, your name and email address will be submitted to TopDog, a background check company utilized by HSN. You will receive from TopDog via jen@hsnaples.org (Jen Feuerstein, HSN Chief Strategy Officer). Please submit the information requested by TopDog. They will notify HSN with the results of your background check.
Information about what happens after the onboarding process is complete.
“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”
– DeAnn Hollis